The purpose of the long jump is the jump distance achievement so far away. So to achieve a far distance jump, the jumper must first understand the elements - elements essential to the jump.
Some things to note preformance prefix:
Prefix, which is to get speed at time of going mellompat. Prefix that should be done with as quickly - cepatnyaserta do not change the steps at the time will jump. Distance prefix is usually 30-50 yards.
rejection, namely the strength _ declined as strong repercussion on the board with the strongest leg upward (height and fore).
posture in the air, that is to be undertaken gain drift long as possible and sought the body remains balanced.
posture when falling / landing, which should make a crashed sipelompat / mendaray with the best - baiknyajangan until the fall of the body or arms to the rear, as it will merugikan.mendaratlah with both fore legs and arms.
Variety - variety of styles that are commonly used:
1. style squat or Truck (Kauer)
2. Lauf air or gait (walking / running in the water)
3. hanging style or bouncy or schnepper / hang.
Things - things that need to be avoided:
1. Shorten or extend the final step before leaving.
2. Departing from the heel with a speed that is not adequate.
3. Body tilted far forward or backward.
4. Phase imbalance.
5. Footwork is premature.
6. Not enough force on the landing leg.
7. One foot down ahead of the other foot on the ground.
Things - things to watch / do
1. maintain speed until now refused
2. attain the encouragement of rapid and dynamic beam and pedestal.
3. Change the position a little run, baertujuan achieve a more upright position.
4. Use a good arm motion compensation
5. Reach a good outreach movement.
6. Final motion to dibuwat stronger by using more power in him.
7. Landing exercises.
8. Master the correct motion of the arm and leg in the stretch and bend.
b. Lompat tinggi
Tujuan dari lompat tinggi agar dapat mencapai lompatan yang setinggi – tingginya. Pada lompat tinggi sama halnya dengan lompat jauh, yaitu memerlukan :

Sikap badan saat berada di atas mistar.
Sikap badan saat waktu jatuh dan mendarat.
Variety of styles in the high jump
1. style Scissors (Scissors)
This scissor style style Swenney beleh said, because at an earlier time (the past) still use the squat style. Occurred in 1880 - the beginning of the 20th century. then between 1896 swenny change of style was a style clippers squat. Because the squat force is less economical.
How to do:
The jumper takes the prefix from the middle
When the jumper at the time will jump, use the left foot pedestal (when swing right foot), then he fell with his legs again.
In the air the body rotates to the right, landing with the left foot, facing the body back to where prefix earlier.
2. style side bolsters (Western Roll)
At this same style with the style of scissors, that is the foundation of the left leg left leg to fall again when the right foot and right foot jatuhnyapun just different prefixes, bdari center but from the side.
3. Bedding Style (Straddle)
How to do:
Jumpers take a prefix from the side Atara 3, 5, 7, 9, step: Depending on the height of the rod in an odd stride mengambi prefix.
By the time will jump terkhir step length.
Rivet on the left or right foot, then swing left foot / right fore. After the leg swinging over the bar quickly turned the agency, to posture above the crossbar telungkup.pantat usahaka higher than keoala, so the subject's head.
At the time of landing or dropping the ppertama times are subject to the right leg and right hand when using a left-foot pedestal, then bergulingnya ie along the back of his hand and ended on the shoulder and berkhir quickly.
4.Gaya Fosbury Flop
How to do it:
Prefix, thirst done quickly and cornering / somewhat circular, with steps to the prefix is about - about 7-9 steps.
Repulsion, repulsion feet for almost the same as that lainny high jump. That should be strong with the help of the swing arms to help lift the entire body. When the foot repulsion using kana feet, then tolaka must be done on the left bar. At the same time refused to foot with both hands up beside his head, then jump keaas agency and make a 180 degrees and done with - the same.
The attitude of the body above the bar, should be above the crossbar supine posture with both legs hanging limp, and the chin slightly drawn near the chest and back above the bar is a bouncy bow.
How to landing, landing on a foam rubber to the size (size 5 x 5 meters with a height of 60 cm more) and on top of it covered with a mat of about 10-20 cm, and who first landed on the back and the back of the head.
Things - things to note:
1. Running the prefix that is too fast
2. Repellent stretch my legs too far ahead.
3. Motion of the foot is not perfect combination.
4. Body leaning close to the ruler.
5. Position the hands on the bar too high.
6. Over the bar in a sitting position.
7. Making curved body is too early.
8. Late motion of the foot end lift gaerk.
Things - things that should be in priority:
1. Running prefix with a controlled speed.
2. Avoid leaning the body backward too much.
3. Achieve rapid movement at the time of contrast and approached the bar.
4. Try vertikan lift during take off / on opposite foot leaves the ground.
5. Doronnglah shoulders and arms up during take off.
6. Arch your back over the bar.
7. Try lifting a perfect round of knee kedalm swing (free).
8. Lift and straighten the leg immediately after making curved
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